Surmould 3D

Additive manufacturingMaterial characterisation
Multi-material addititive manufacturing
Coriolis Composites x Institut Maupertuis x ESI Group x ComposiTIC
Duration: 30 months [2016-2019]
Budget: 250k€

+ Development of multi-axis plastic and metal additive manufacturing technologies.

+ Development of removal tools and production of digital simulation and control tools.

Project Manager

Yves Grohens
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ComposiTIC, in collaboration with Coriolis Composites, handled the thermoplastic part of the project, carrying out the following tasks:

  • Design and manufacture of thermoplastic wire dispensing heads (filament and granulated types) and installation on a 6-axis robotic arm
  • Creation of the software component for generating the triaxial trajectories required for over-moulding a curved surface
  • Development, optimisation and validation of the robotised removal process through an experimental plan including printing tests, production of prototype parts and mechanical tests

