+ Reducing marine litter by improving waste management and recycling.
+ Assessing and monitoring micro and macro litter contamination.
+ Modelling approaches from micro and macro litter: from modelling outputs to sources and hotspots
+ Reducing marine litter and associated risks.

Project Manager
Claire Allanos
Find out more
The Free-LitterAT project involves 14 Spanish, Portuguese, Irish and French partners working on the issue of marine litter.
The aim is to protect biodiversity by developing innovative approaches to preventing and reducing marine litter, with a particular focus on ALDFG and microplastics. The project proposes a comprehensive approach covering litter prevention, monitoring and the removal, where possible, of marine litter that is already accumulated.
The project also provides for pilot actions to ensure a transfer to maritime stakeholders and the relevant authorities. The project will create tools, guidelines and action plans for managing, monitoring, locating and cleaning up marine litter.
The project is led by CETMAR (Centro Tecnológico del Mar) based in Vigo, Galicia.
The UBS, via the ComposiTIC platform, is leading work package 1 aimed at preventing marine litter by improving waste collection, recycling and awareness in Atlantic ports and coastal communities, with a focus on fisheries-related waste, in order to preserve the oceans and marine biodiversity.
The project is funded by the ERDF as part of the Interreg Atlantic Area programme, with a total budget of €3,626,336.22, including €277,328.40 for the UBS.
- To find out more, visit the Free-LitterAT project website : https://freelitterat.eu/
- Read the article on the UBS website: How to deal with used fishing gear? UBS is working on solutions (in French)
- Check out the materials produced for the “Fête de la science 2024”. Other awareness-raising tools will be available soon.