+ Use of automated fibre placement processes and 3D printing to produce foils of optimum quality.
+ Validation of technical suitability through geometric and mechanical characterisation.
+ Economic assessment, from design to manufacture, for both single foils and series of foils.

Project Manager
Yves Grohens
Find out more
The foil: a revolution underway in the world of boating
A booming market for the marine sector… and one that could rapidly expand to the motorboating and even naval sectors.
Significant potential for improvement in terms of:
– design (optimisation)
– manufacturing (reliability, cost reduction)
An open area of scientific and technological investigation
Objectives of FOILAddiCT
– Study the technical feasibility and economic relevance of automated manufacturing processes and their coupling, to produce prototype or mass production foils.
– Developing and mastering innovative, industrial and optimised processes.
– Acquiring a technological lead enabling industrial partners to position themselves at the forefront of major markets in the nautical sector.
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