+ Designing fishing gear that is resistant and biodegradable in the marine environment at the end of its life.
+ Developing new formulations using bio-based and biodegradable plastics, with reduced persistence and environmental impact.
+ Testing the materials and the new prototype in real conditions.

Project manager
Yves-Marie Corre
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LINC BioMer is an innovative project that aims to work on the design of fishing gear that is resistant and biodegradable in the marine environment at the end of its life (such as ropes for trawls). The aim is to develop new formulations using bio-based and biodegradable plastics, with reduced persistence and environmental impact. This 36-month project, supported by the Coopération Maritime, includes a consortium of complementary partners such as ComposiTIC for the formulation of raw materials that are mainly bio-based and biodegradable in the marine environment (with IRMA as a subcontractor to carry out biodegradation and ecotoxicity tests in the marine environment), Ifremer (LTBH and SMASH) to propose technical adaptations to the gear designed and its durability, and Le Drezen for industrial coordination, the production of netting, and the design and manufacture of fishing gear (with Euronete subcontracted to produce semi-finished products such as monofilaments, multimonofilaments and ropes based on the new formulations). Several fishing companies will be involved in testing the designed materials and gear in real conditions. Since 2018, Drezen and ComposiTIC have been developing prototypes of biodegradable ropes. The aim of this project is to share their expertise to optimise existing formulations and design biodegradable products for typical fishing gear: ropes and braids. These components will have to be competitive and resistant.
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